Tuesday, December 6, 2011

#14: Make a Difference

Personally, I'm a Pepsi person. But I still have to give serious props to Coca Cola for all the amazing PR events they do. Yeah, people can argue that they're just doing this to look good- which they are- but the actual impact Coke has on the people they help is worth a product placement here and there.

Take a look at their "Where will happiness strike next?" campaign. In this video, Coke sponsored a trip for three people (who've left their homes and families in the Phillipines to come work in the US) to visit their loved ones for Christmas. I'm gonna be honest - I teared up.

Obviously - being a small business- you probably won't be able to send people across the globe. But there are still other ways you can make an impact, even if it's just in your community. The Washington Post recently ran an article in the Metro section (for DC 'burbs) about a small convenience store owner who gave out free turkeys on Thanksgiving. His store is located in an economically poor area, so even something small as a turkey really made a positive impact. You can read the article here.

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